My mom named me after the heroine in the book below. I haven't had the guts to read it in case I dislike it so much that I feel compelled to change my name.
If it was, that would be a great way to spell it.
I am not a Muppet and never plan to be.
Many of my friends and family have spelled it this way. When in doubt, don't throw in extra R's
Yep. It's happened more than once.
I had a cashier tell me once that I sure had a lot of extra letters in my name for Erin...
Everyone got cute nicknames at my first job. A few examples were Mac & Cheese and Songbird. Everyone called me Ava. It baffled me for months. One of the idiot guys shared that I was named Ava after Hitler's mistress because everyone associated my name with neo-Nazi's. They all thought it was hilarious, but I was floored. I am not a racist/bigot/hater and have spent more than half my life trying to disassociate myself from the "joke."
My Mother told me to reply with "Excuse me. That is not the proper Etymology." That went as well as you'd expect.
Maybe that's why I write/record songs alone in my laundry room ;)
I worked with kids for a long time. There is nothing quite as exhausting and fulfilling as spending your days tying shoes, opening packages, and yelling even though you woke up swearing you wouldn't. If any of my little munchkins find this page:
My name is Erienne. I hope you've had a wonderful life. And I apologize for the inappropriate lyrical content. Go be beautiful and unique!